Vision 9

U.S. Political Contributions and Disclosure Policy

The Royal Caribbean Group may choose to use company funds in the public sphere to advance our interests.  From time to time, this may include spending in relation to developing public policy.  In doing so, we believe it is essential to abide by our commitment to act ethically, with integrity and in accordance with the law.

This policy serves our interests in advancing our public policy goals and business objectives, while promoting transparency and accountability by providing important information to our stakeholders.

Political Contributions

Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. does not make political contributions in connection with U.S. elections, as foreign corporations are prohibited from making such contributions.  Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. may contribute to ballot measure campaigns or committees as permitted by applicable law.  Any such contribution must be approved by the Senior Vice President, Corporate Affairs of Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd.

Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd.’s U.S. subsidiaries may, with their own funds, make political contributions as permitted by applicable law.  Any such contribution must be approved by the most senior officer of the relevant U.S. subsidiary.

All contributions will be administered to ensure they comply with applicable federal, state and local laws and reporting requirements.

It is the Royal Caribbean Group’s policy not to make independent expenditures directly in support of or in opposition to any candidate.  We do not sponsor any political action committees.

Trade Association Memberships

The Royal Caribbean Group holds memberships in trade associations. Our involvement with these organizations helps us gain insight into issues that affect the Royal Caribbean Group and our stakeholders and advance the strategic priorities and policy objectives of our industry. Our membership in and payments to specific trade associations do not mean we share or agree with all of the views espoused by these trade associations. The conduct of the associations is governed by their respective bylaws, and the Royal Caribbean Group does not control how the associations use membership dues.

Our membership dues or contributions to a trade association expected to exceed $50,000 in a calendar year must be approved in advance by the Senior Vice President, Corporate Affairs of Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd.

Donations to 501(c)(4) Organizations

Donations by Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd., or one of its U.S. subsidiaries, to an entity operating under section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code must be approved by the Senior Vice President, Corporate Affairs of Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd., or the most senior officer of the relevant U.S. subsidiary.


The Royal Caribbean Group’s annual voluntary disclosure on our website will include the following (beginning for the year ending December 31, 2021):

  • A copy of this U.S. Political Contributions and Disclosure Policy;
  • Trade associations that received dues in excess of $50,000 from company funds, and the portion of those dues used for political and lobbying purposes; and
  • Contributions from company funds to candidates, political parties, campaign committees, political party committees, political action committees, ballot measure campaigns and committees, and 527 organizations.
  • Donations from company funds to an entity operating under section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code that may be used for political purposes.

Certain expenditures covered by this policy are subject to significant regulation and public disclosure requirements with which we also must comply.

Download the U.S. Political Contributions and Disclosure Policy

Download RCG’s 2021 U.S. Political Contributions Report

Download RCG’s 2022 U.S. Political Contributions Report

Download RCG’s 2023 U.S. Political Contributions Report

Download RCG’s 2024 U.S. Political Contributions Report